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Saturday 10 December 2016

Comedy easily Communicates- Jiri Menzel

Comedy films of substance never fail to fascinate the renowned Czech director Jiri Menzel. As a director and artist his journey of intense expression was never smooth. But still he retains the humor side of his existence to satiate his intellect and soul in a big way. In a conversation with Shivendra Singh Dungarpur, his companion and well wisher, he opened his mind with a constant smile all through. “Good humour is real and it easily communicates with the audience” said Menzel.
Menzel recalled Otakar Vavra, his mentor and teacher of film school of FAMU, Prague for being the greatest source of inspiration behind all his creative endeavors. The celebrated Czech writer Bohumil Hrabal who inspired Menzel was his intimate friend. According to Menzel, Hrabal was a sincere man whose literary works rose to fame during the communist regime. Menzel made many movies based on his works. 

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