This year cost the Malayalam film industry an unexpected demise of many of its dear artists . Pinnilavu: A Requiem for Dear Ones, conducted by the International Film Festival of India was deeply filled with the tears of sadness. The event paid homage to the 27 artist from the Malayalam film industry including O.N.V Kurup, Kavalam Narayana Paniker, P. K. Nair, T. K Razak. The young artists like Kalpana, Kalabhavan Many, Jishnu Raghavan and Rajesh Pillai, whose early demise was a great lose to the industry were also given homage to, at the Nila theatre.
Books on these artists were released during the event. The book written on Kalabhavan Mani penned by Madhu Janardan was released by Director Lal Jose by handing it over to Director Sibi Malayil. The veteran actress K. P. A. C Lalitha published the memoir of Kalpana written by Didi Damodaran by giving it to Bagyalakshmi. Director K B Venu received the book penned by film critic and director T. V. Chandran on the artistic journey and life of T. A. Razak which was published by Director G. S. Vijayan.
Also, ‘Pinnilavu’, a book consisting articles about the lives of 24 artists was also released as part of IFFK, with I. V. Sasi handing it over to B. Unnikrishnan. 'Pinnilavu' includes writings of John Paul, Bhagyalakshmi, Ramachandra Babu, Chelavoor Venu and Sreebala K. Menon.
V. R. Gopinadh shared his memory about P.K. Nair while O.N. V and Kavalam Narayanan Panniker was commemorated by John Paul.
“This is the most depressing evening of the festival. The movies made by him are not possible today” said director T. V. Chandran while commemorating his friend T. A. Razak . “I pray there shouldn’t be such a sorrowful moment in the next IFFK. Mani was such a wonderful actor. There was no need of glycerin while acting with him. Kalpana was a person with full of positive energy. She never shared her personal pain with anyone” said K. P. A. C. Lalitha with cracking words.
Kamal, Chairman of Kerala Chalachithra Academy, Sibi Malayil, Raghavan, B. Unnikrishnan , Lal Jose, Sidharth Bharathan also spoke.
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